Regular dental exams are a vital part of oral health and preventive care. This is an opportunity for a professional dentist to evaluate your overall dental hygiene as well as look for signs of gum disease, and other potential abnormalities around the mouth and face area. Here at Dental Designs in Boca Raton FL, Dr. Astrid Cortes takes great pride in providing a thorough exam, which includes discussing a patient’s diet, hygiene habits, and tips on how to have the best oral health possible.

We have compiled a list of the top 5 reasons why you should not miss your dental exam.

1. Evaluate the risk of tooth decay

Tooth decay is the destruction of the hard, outer layer of your teeth, known as tooth enamel. Certain foods and sugars, and lack of good dental hygiene habits, may lead to plaque which contains an acid-producing bacteria that can attack your tooth enamel. This is something that a dentist can detect during a routine exam. It is so important to assess this at least twice a year.

2. Potential gum disease

Gum disease, often time called periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. This can cause tooth loss in adults. There are many warning signs that a dentist may detect during a regular exam such as bleeding gums, gums that are pulling away from the teeth, and a change in your bite, just to name a few. There are many factors that can contribute to gum disease. Dr. Astrid Cortes, Boca Raton dentist, takes gum disease very seriously and evaluating each patient for both warning signs and risk factors, are an important part of the exams performed here at Dental Designs.

3. Assess a patient’s need for fluoride

Fluoride is considered a natural cavity fighter, and some patients may find great benefit in using it. Fluoride is actually a naturally-occurring mineral that can help prevent cavities by strengthening the outer surface of your tooth enamel and making it more resistant to the acid attacks that cause tooth decay. However, not all patients need it or should take it necessarily. This is why it is important to see if you are a good candidate for fluoride.

4. Dental X-rays

A dental X-ray will allow your dentist to see detailed images beyond what the naked eye can see. This can help detect even the smallest cavities so they can be addressed before they become a bigger problem. Remember, if you are experiencing pain from a cavity, this means that it is far enough long to affect the nerve. Larger cavities could lead to bigger problems that may need to addressed with more invasive procedures such as a root canal. It’s better to prevent!

5. Oral cancer exam

During a checkup/exam, Dr. Astrid Cortes of Dental Designs in Boca Raton will also look for signs of Oral Cancer. This is usually done by evaluating the jaw area, sides of the neck, lips, cheeks, tongue, and roof of the mouth. It is very important for a professional to evaluate these areas to ensure that there are no warning signs that would require immediate attention.

Currently, we are offering a special promotion for new patients without insurance. Dental Exam, X-Rays, and cleaning for $89. For more information or to schedule an appointment call:(561) 756-9343

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